

A sustainable prosperous community by integrating disaster and climate change resilience in development sector.



Assist by providing effective humanitarian support towards creating a resilient and prosperous community through disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and sustainable livelihood promotion.



To provide immediate humanitarian assistance to capacitate communities for creating a prosperous sustainable, resilient community by intervening communities level through participatory democratic governance, increased access of communities to natural resources, generating alternatives for sustainable livelihood, disaster and climate change resilience promotion in all sectors.



  1. Social transformation through empowerment, policy advocacy and campaigning
  2. To foster knowledge and build capacity of both right holders and stakeholders on disaster management, environment protection, natural resource management and climate change adaption
  3. To support building resilient community through mainstreaming disaster and climate risk management for risk free safer community
  4. To provide aid during emergency and ensure right to dignity of affected communities through close coordination with Government of Nepal
  5. To ensure sustainable and integrated development of community through livelihood promotion, water sanitation and hygiene promotion, disaster risk reduction, education and health
  6. To promote well-being of marginalized and disadvantaged groups, Women and children through social mobilization, empowerment and advocacy

Live With Disaster Resilient Community