This research and planning project was titled: "Climate Risk Assessment and Integrated Watershed Management Plan of Riu-Khola Sub Watershed, Madi, Chitawan with support of UNDP". The objective of the assessment was to carry out the detailed climate risks assessment of the Riu-Khola Sub-watershed and to propose integrated watershed management plan that addresses Disaster Risk Management (DRM) cycle (including preparedness, response, adaptation and mitigation) and proper land use planning to reduce the risks and adopt appropriate livelihood promotion activities (such as farm and non-farm practices) so as to adapt to the changing climate. The scope of this project covered following:
1. Integrated Watershed Management
2. Watershed Study (bio-physical, morphometric and socio-economic)
3. Agriculture and Food Security
4. Water Resource and Energy
5. Forest and Biodiversity
6. Urban settlement and infrastructure
7. Climate Risk Assessments and its Management
8. Climate vulnerability and change related disasters
9. Cross-cutting Issues (education, gender, ethnicity etc.)